Sunday, March 22, 2020

Keep calm and scrap on.

Bavaria has declared an emergency situation and is restricting social interactions even more than at the end of last week. They waited for this until after the local community elections which took place yesterday, we elected mayors, city councils, regional district parliaments and perhaps it might have been counterproductive to the results of the ruling party if such a declaration had come before the day of election? The big C ...

Just from looking at our garden in the sunshine you can't tell that a pandemy
is going on...

My son is jubilant that school is out, and we are enjoying a few more moments of interaction with him. It seems that his puberty-driven brain re-arrangement is indeed making progress, we have actually had conversations with him that he initiated on some topic he is thinking about, such as „how do you become sombeody like Banksy?“ this day over lunch. That is much more than the usual me: „how was school?“ he: „ok.“ kind of interaction! A light at the end of the tunnel? He is being sent activities and exercises to do from school and is by now slowly getting bored.

The stiuation at/for work is getting more chaotic because nobody really knows what to do in terms of preparation, or how to deal with the situation . I am not going to go into any attempt at describing what is going on, because it would just be too frustrating. I was very close to quitting yesterday afternoon but haven’t yet.

 I have a new toy, a drum carder, which I am getting for my birthday (no, my birthday is not until later, but my husband insisted we order it now because there might be delivery issues and when it arrived he insisted we open the package and check whether it is alright and complete and then he said I might as well have my birthday present now). 

I have tried it and prepared a few bits of mixtures for red fleece and am doing a bit of my self-isolated „musical chairs“ spinning as we did in the group in November. 

Several different mixtures of fleece prepared and numbered, add a couple of dice,
and off you go. You can add music on your phone, and spend a leisurely after-
noon on the terrace, if the weather is warm enough and you are allowed to go outside.

As it appears on the bobbin.

An idea of what it might be plied into.
(Ignore the background, that is a different project).

It is fun to card fleece, and really exciting to combine different kinds of fibers. Many plans, many ideas, and way too little time.

I have also returned to my yellow scrap bag. Which I tried to reduce when working on „A Scrap a Day“, but ended up with seemingly more yellow scraps in the box than before I started. So now I am just sewing scraps together, a little bit at a time. 

Can't really see much yet, and this is only a minor piece of what I have done so far anyway.

Trying to do something with shades and stuff. Don’t know where it is taking me. And don’t know how long it will take, either. But the curfew  is bound to be around for a while, probably get stricter still. Right now we are still allowed to go for walks, but even that may be taken away.

Strange times.

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