I have just returned from a few days in Freiburg, where I had the opening of a small exhibition of my works in the gallery space of "quiltart".
Here is Sophie helping me with the hanging - she is almost ten inches taller than I am, and of course used to the hooks in her gallery:
Sophie Maechler hanging Shapes 7, 8 and 9 |
If you are an attentive reader of this blog you may have noticed that the blue one during its evolution originally was referred to as
Shapes 8. However, I saved finishing the binding for when I was finished with the yellow one, too - meant to be
Shapes 9. Which led to confusion when stitching the names onto the backs - and when I wanted to put
Shapes 9 onto the yellow one, I realized I had already put
Shapes 9 onto the blue one. Because I had already closed the seam I really didn't feel like ripping it out again and simply changed the numbers. Not that it makes much of a difference. They could be hung in a different order, too.
Here are a few other views into the gallery:
Attentive guests at the opening:
And a shot of me:
With an official statement about my change of hairstyle, because so many people asked me about it: I really prefer to have my hair completely short. But as my hair colour is changing, the quality of hair changes, too, and I looked like a hedgehog fresh from a severy fight every morning I got up. So my hairdresser suggested to let it grow longer a bit, and she was right, as the increasing length pulls it down a bit. But this as about as long as I am going to let it grow. Looks better than I thought it would, too, I think.