Wednesday, September 26, 2018

handmade cord, and what you can do with it

Being a very orderly person is not one of my major strengths, although I try, try, try. It results in regular attacks when I try to establish order, and these last a while, then I drift back into creative phases, until another attack hits me. I have been suffering from such an attack lately, so my studio is transforming somewhat. Boxes have disappeared because their contents could be placed in other boxes. Scrap projects that I am consciously aware of seem to have multiplied, because they keep reappaering under some trojanic layer of fabrics and other project, and I could probably be handstitching til the end of my days.  This kind of attack, however, leaves me very vulnerable towards minor weaknesses in orderliness of other people. I have a wonderful husband, whose weaknesses in orderliness are very different from mine, and I don't want to judge them in any way, or talk about them publicly here. One weakness, however, left me screaming the other day - he went away for four days, after asking me to take goood care  of the mail box because the office, which is in the same house as we are, and the mail of which frequently gets deposited in our private mail box, is currently receiving many letters for a certain reason. Fact is, the key to the mailbox is one of those minor weaknesses he has, and usually I don't even try to find it but wait until my husband goes and empties the mail box. Then I don't have to do the search. Now he left, and the key was nowhere to be found. It doesn't make much sense to call him, then, either, because he wouldn't remember where he put it anyway, and his phone was off because he was examining students.
I searched high and low, asked the secretary, went through his desk - nothing. After quite some time I was lucky to find the replacement key. And had an idea.
Handmade cord, which I learned how to make from Kathleen Loomis, which she learned how to make from Dorothy Caldwell, who, supposedly, learned it from Australian indigenuous people, is one thing I like to be making from the narrowest cut-offs when aligning or straightening fabric.

The result has become my standard gift wrapping item, getting rid of wrapping paper, just tyeing a piece of this cord around the present. The production yields much more revenue than I can give gifts, however, this ball is just a small portion.

These stocks came to my mind when I was running around the house, still fuming, after having found the replacement key. And I decided to put that one on the leash.

It's long enough to take the key to the mail box, but it is attached to the balustrade inside our door - with any kind o fluck I will always be able to find a key to the mail box that way.
Sarahcswett has posted a little video on how to make the cord on instagram and her blog. So you can have another scrap project to work on, too.

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