A few weeks
ago I found the announcement of two large exhibitions of fiber art in art
museums in the paper: „To open eyes – Fiber Art from Bauhaus until today“ in Bielefeld , und „Art and Textile“ in Wolfsburg .
My husband immediately wanted to send me off to take a look
at both of them one after the other, but as we live on the other end of the country, we could not really fit it in, although Germany is relatively small compared to some other countries. However, I was visiting with friends
not too far away from Bielefeld
right after New Year’s, and that gave me a chance to at least see this exhibition,
which is still on until Feb 16.
Sheila Hicks (some pictures here and a pinterest page here), and several other modern
artist who have worked in fiber - some only occasionally, some more frequently. Aligiero e Boetti let Afghan women do the work of stitching for his series Mappa, embroidered maps of the world as boundaries changed (link to one that is in MOMA).
photographs were allowed, not even without a flash. And although the catalogue is
interesting and informative, it is would be much easier and probably more
personal if I could show you a few photos I took and talk about them. But it is a very interesting
exhibition and worth seeing, and it is wonderful to see so many pieces of art
made from fiber in one exhibition together.
there were several pieces classified as ‚patchwork’ which would not have made
it into any juried quilt show. Basically, they were pieces of fabric
wonder-undered onto a white background, not stitched, no quilting – but with
the topic ‘death’. Now what does that tell us about quilts in the art world?
You have to have an art degree, and then make ugly fiber pieces, then you will get
into museums. Or do you have to wait for 70 years, such as Gunta Stölzl, before
they will start recognizing you? Well, Sheila Hicks didn’t have to wait for so
Nevertheless: well worth seeing!
Thanks for the links about this exhibition - I wish i could have seen it. I did my final study when I did my City and Guilds in Embroidery on the artists of the Bauhaus and I have always loved their work. Do you know if there is a permanent collection in Germany?
There isnt a permanent collection. But they have just extended the exhibition until 2nd March so you might still make it! Wolfsburg is really worth going too! :)
DeleteThat's not quite true - there are several places that have Bauhaus exhibitions, i.e. http://www.bauhaus.de/ in Berlin, http://www.bauhaus-dessau.de/deutsch/start.html in Dessau, http://www.klassik-stiftung.de/ in Weimar, and you can find lots and lots of pictures on the web https://www.google.de/search?q=bauhaus+movement&sa=X&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=l_DzUtLmAY7YsgadloHYDw&ved=0CDkQsAQ&biw=1241&bih=545. There were quite a few temporary exhibitions last year because of the centenniary, too, and there are more and more publications on the market, especially re-interpreting the women's role in the school, and the textiles.