Friday, February 22, 2013

Café Leisure

I don’t frequently go to a café. First of all, I don’t really like the taste of coffee, and the tea served in cafés comes mostly in tea bags, which is far inferior to the taste of the loose tea I drink at home, so why spend money for that? Secondly, there aren’t many interesting cafés in the town where I live, and I don’t get to the next larger town often, where I would have more choices. This morning, however, I had to go to the doctor to get a shot, and had parked my car next to a bakery with café section, so decided to give me a little treat. After all I deserved it – not only for the shot, but also for the fact that I had finished all my taxes that I had been putting off far too long, and had spent an hour with the tax advisor first thing in the morning, even before going to the doctor. Well worth a little treat, a little bit of leisure and a piece of pastry!
And good that I did go. While stirring my cappucino (yes, although I don’t like the taste of coffee I had ordered a cappucino) I suddenly had a flash of what I could do with that signature. Signature? After Barack Obama’s re-election, when he was beginning to present his new ministers to the public, the newspaper had printed a picture of Jacob J. Lew’s signature (courtesy of the White House), which will soon find its way onto newly printed US-dollar bills:

At that very moment, I had no idea what I was going to do with it, but I took a photo of it nevertheless. Use for silk screen printing – or would that be counted as forgery? Would it fit in with my series Play of Lines? It is not entirely out of the topic, somehow. But this morning I had the beginning of another idea, which I don’t want to talk about too much just right now. Of course, I did not have my little jot-down-notebook with me, so actually had to make sure my brain managed to hold on to that idea until I got home.
Though I have dared to think this a number of times recently, this morning’s flash did give me the feeling that my still ongoing procrastination and fiddling around with this and that seems to be coming to an end, after all. Perhaps the feeling is right this time? Gestation periods just take their time.
In any case, going to a café every now and then obviously is a good thing. Just make sure you have at least a piece of paper in your pocket to jot down ideas that might want to catch you unawares.

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