Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Stitching away.

After finishing my quilt for the Wide Horizons IV (which needs to be taken to the photographer soon!) I have been busily stitching my entry for the challenge "Imagine" of the EPM in Ste. Marie-aux-Mines.
And it is: stitching. stitching. stitching. stitching. sometimes changing color of thread. and then again stitching etc.

A view of the backside of the top in progress.

Very tedious, making one feel rather stupid - and yet it does require a lot of concentration, or otherwise I'll run over the edge.
So my brain is dead, my eyes are tired (oh yes, now there is no longer one birthday left between me and the 50!) - but I think it will be really good. So now I will go up to my room and put in another hour or so before going to bed tonight.

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