Friday, July 25, 2014

12" is a good size!

As I was checking on my garden today, inbetween stirring sessions when dyeing the July collection of the fabric club, which produced nice instances of sink art on the side

I also stopped by Baby Oak. And then I went back inside and fetched a ruler. Here is Baby Oak, at a strong and proud (almost) 12 ", a size I am beginning to like more and more for quilts, too:

I finished Shapes 21 in that size at the beginning of the week:

When not stirring, or walking through the garden, I spent as many hours as possible stitching "Shades of Green" - questioning myself why I had fixed my mind on this dense stitching... Right now it feels as if it never will be finished!

Shades of Green, backside, still in process

1 comment:

  1. I like that size too. Shapes 21 has a lot of depth, lovely.
